Monday, July 7, 2008

Sunday Church

While I enjoy attending Khmer church (particularly for the music and expanding my language), it has just not worked with kids. For them, the services are long and unintelligible so they quickly become fidgety and difficult. I can persevere armed with food, colouring books and a well-chosen toy but it’s just not worth it. I’d much rather the congregation focus on the message than my children’s antics.

So, I have been attending a small English-speaking church with the children while Steve continued at a Khmer church. However, being a single Mum for a morning means that I am always too busy and distracted to either connect or contribute. Without fail, I run off early to get Lion Cub to bed, sometimes even before the sermon begins.

Like many parents, my primary reasons for attending church were so that my children could “go to Sunday school”, connect with other Christian children and develop a life-long habit of church going. But I am coming to realise how ridiculous these aims are for my family.

What “Sunday School” could be better than Steve and I sharing our own faith and reliance on God in the every day, teaching them God’s values and character through loving discipline / discipling, and keeping night time routines that include bible stories, prayer and worship?

And, why do they need another opportunity to develop Christian friends when they already attend a Christian school for misso kids?

And finally, do I really want my children to be church-goers out of HABIT??

The church that I would rather my children see on a Sunday is one where they have an opportunity to develop their faith in action by reaching out to others – what some call a missional church. I have no idea what that might look like for me and my young family, but I am excited to finally be thinking outside of the box.


Anonymous said...

hi lisa

Thats a cool on the misso field...its a whole other topic - which not all understand...I was just very blessed to enjoy the anglican one so much....

& for the record my parents only let me go to Sunday School while I was really little & then they made me sit in church...


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, I was reassured in reading your email and now dont feel so guilty. We too are going through the same problem here in Noumea. Sometimes the service is in English and then translated but other times it is in French. The service (the only english one that we could find) is held in a tin shed in an industrial area. So the boys are more interested in the diggers in the paddock than the service. And with no Sunday School offered I understand how hard it is to keep them entertained and quite while trying to feed a baby. We find that it has been easier not to go but educate the kids ourselves on "God" things. I meet with a neighbour for bible study once a week as my church but there has been nothing for B. I am looking forward to the end of the year when we can stop living in limbo and get connected again. Hang in there. I am told it gets easier. Karla

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, I was reassured in reading your email and now dont feel so guilty. We too are going through the same problem here in Noumea. Sometimes the service is in English and then translated but other times it is in French. The service (the only english one that we could find) is held in a tin shed in an industrial area. So the boys are more interested in the diggers in the paddock than the service. And with no Sunday School offered I understand how hard it is to keep them entertained and quite while trying to feed a baby. We find that it has been easier not to go but educate the kids ourselves on "God" things. I meet with a neighbour for bible study once a week as my church but there has been nothing for B. I am looking forward to the end of the year when we can stop living in limbo and get connected again. Hang in there. I am told it gets easier. Karla

Lisa said...

ah, Naomi. That explains it...

Lisa said...

Thanks Karla. So glad that you understand... but what exactly gets easier?? End in sight, hey?

gretchen said...

lisa~ i love it! i can only imagine how much more your children are learning about what it means to "follow" Christ growing up in Cambodia... whether or not they attend a formal "church"...what a better example than to have parents who aren't afraid to take the whole family out of the box and love people who need love, no matter what part of the world you may end up in?!

pip said...

Good post mate! Thanks!