Monday, February 6, 2012

THIS is what my God does.

In June 2011, I shared L’s story about her husband who left her for another woman, taking all their savings, motorbike and even the son’s bicycle to pay off gambling debts. I was amazed by L’s determination to hold onto God through this time and continued to walk with her through the ups and downs of the following months.

Seven months on, I think it is time to share with you the miracles that L has seen within her own family.

Despite L’s consternation about his motives, her husband began attending church. She refused to sit with him at first because her 3 month separation hadn’t yet concluded. Yet, the leaders of the church could perceive real repentance within him and after much encouragement from them, L begrudgingly accepted him back after only 6 weeks.

The following months haven’t been easy for her. Rebuilding trust is excruciating business. But, now when I ask L about her husband, she has a wonderful contented smile.

He is regularly going to church and reading his Bible. He is far more attentive towards the children and is involved in their learning. Following 4 months of unemployment (after being fired for not being able to pay off his debt to his employer), he is starting work today in an administration role.

He is a changed man who is reconciled to his family and determined to walk a new path. As L says, “It is more than I could have hoped for or imagined”.

THIS is what my God does.