Sunday, June 1, 2008

Do you see what I see?

“It is the biggest blind spot of Western Christians”, he concluded. It had been an intense conversation about the corporate world, wealth creation and an ethical response between two business graduates now committed to living out our faith in an unjust world.

“But what can we do about it?” I moaned. No one wants to hear that being a good steward of God’s money does NOT mean generating wealth (aka investing wisely) to hoard (ie enjoy for our own purposes) but actually investing and spending it as God would (remembering that EVERY person is a precious to Him as we are).

He replied simply, “Talk about it. Live it.”

I’m not sure which of these is more difficult. Talk invites pride, criticism and misunderstanding (particularly on such an emotionally-charged taboo topic as money). Living it means not just going beyond the talk and letting go, but investing time to think it through, making changes and taking risks.

It’s easier to pretend I just don’t see the problem from behind my "Jesus loves me" rose-coloured (opaque) glasses.


Anonymous said...

Hey Lisa

Really like this blog. Made me think on my runs lately...


Lisa said...

Thanks Naomi. If you have any thoughts or ideas, I'd love to hear them.

How are you? I haven't got a newsy letter for a while... busy hey? Lisa