Thursday, June 26, 2008

Increasing rental prices

On holidays I also managed to receive a hand-me-down copy of "The Australian" (a treasure indeed!) and read of the predicted 30% increase in rental prices throughout Australia over the next three years (see BIS Shrapnel report - Residential Property Prospects 2008 to 2011).

.... umph ... ahh.. (excuse me, just getting on my soap box).

Perhaps Christian landlords (me included) could first consider the economic situation of their tenants before deciding to follow the market rates. (Is it possible that Isaiah 3:14 would consider high rental market rates "plunder of the poor"?)

Or on a related note, perhaps property investors could restrain from buying up any more real estate (which would help dampen prices allowing first home buyers to get into the already ridiculously expensive market). You might think I'm crazy, but then again maybe ask Isaiah (5:8) what he thinks.

I realise that this would then leave Christian investors with the conundrum of how then to be a good steward of the resources God has given them...

If you're really stuck, I have a few ideas.. so does Isaiah (58:6-12).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hang out for your blogs. Keep shareing. Pa