Monday, May 5, 2008

Angels in Disguise - Khmer style

I went to jump on my pushbike the other day to run a quick errand without the kids. But it had been some weeks since I last rode it and the tyres were predictably flat. Fortunately, there is a sop gong (pump tire) place on the side of the road just around the corner.

After pumping my tyres and those of a fellow flat-tyred customer, the young man told me in broken English “Three thousand money khmai” (ie US$0.75).

I smiled. This is the guy who calls out “Hello baby” every time I walk by with Lion Cub on my back. His English is obviously limited or else he would know the double meaning of his friendly greeting.

In this case, he was charging me ten times the proper price. My fellow customer, a young man on a new motorbike, smiled too and gently corrected him. We all laughed.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have the proper money and asked for change. The young man began fumbling with his earnings for the day when my fellow customer gave him an extra note and paid for me.

I was surprised at his unexpected generosity, but graciously accepted his gift with a “may God bless you”.

This is not the first time something like this has happened… Over a year ago, a prostitute chipped in 100 riel to help pay for a coconut I had stopped to buy for my thirsty Princess.

What gets me is that they would give to a perfect stranger richer than themselves. I don’t get it (like most differences between our cultures), but this one, I like.

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