Friday, February 26, 2010

Green and keen!

In my latest efforts to be “green-er”, I have been re-using plastic bags. Washing, rinsing and hanging in the sun to disinfect means that they are as good as new (with the occasional hole). These bags I take with me on every shopping trip – bread bags for fruit and grocery bags for, well, groceries.

My odd ways have caused a few eye-rolls and head shakes from people at the checkout impatient to get home and consume their potato chips (I would be if I was buying them too). However, on Monday one lady at the butcher even dared to giggle. I realised that it was ironic to be re-using plastic bags while purchasing one of the biggest environmental killers, beef, but justified to myself that at least we are eating it only once a week.

However, my indignation soon turned to horror when I realised the reason for her smirk. I had given the mildly-handsome young butcher a plastic bag from the school tuckshop which had my name and phone number written on the outside. It had held the book order I had recently collected and was now being filled with 500g of premium mince.

I am desperately hoping that he and his colleagues hadn’t noticed or at least realise it was an innocent mistake. Otherwise, I’m not sure I can show my red-face there again.

Fortunately, I haven’t had a phone call from him yet...


Unknown said...

OH Lisa.... You obviously dont know what butchers are like. Expect that phone call. How fun to tell him you are happily married with three children :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa,

Sounds like you're having fun creating new ways to be 'green'! Good to hear some of your stories, and I hope you're settling into Oz ok so far :) Let us know if you guys will be in Sydney anytime soon :) Would love to catch your email the same?
