Saturday, January 3, 2009

Any guesses?

Happy New Year everyone. Rather than bore you with New Year Resolutions that I'll never keep, I am starting the new year with a photo quiz instead.

Can anyone tell me what I have been doing (besides neglecting my "velcro" heels)?


rasita said...

walking on hot coals? or maybe just a hot road? barefoot of course.

Anonymous said...

lying down on the job - folding laundry or something (grin)

Lisa said...

Hey Rasita. Good guess. However, it is nowhere near as difficult or glamorous. I do enjoy it.

Tim. Yes, I'm in the laundry area but was distracted from my job.

Any more guesses before I put in another photo hint??

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa
I've just discovered your blog and it's so much richer to spend an hour reading this than wasting time on that other social networking site. Quiz: Is it something to do with a SE Asian fruit that needs to be stamped on to remove the shell?
I'm intrigued and will check often until you put up another clue.

Lisa said...

Hi Linda. Thanks so much. Fruit was a good guess (can tell you've been here). I'm just putting on the second hint... you might get it after this.

Alan said...

Hi - on hot days my little dog lies as flat as she can on the cold tiles in the laundry or bathroom to cool down - was it a hot day!!!!

Lisa said...

Hey Alan. I was just trying to take a photo of the soles of my feet... more difficult than it sounds.

But the weather certainly has something to do with it. But instead of being hot, it has been quite cold here of late... and not raining... (an extra hint... which I thought my Cambodian based friends would know in an instant..)

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa! What a FANTASTIC blog site!!! My guess is foot fungus from all the flooding!! I saw Jane treat heaps of something that looks like that out at Svey Pak!!

Anonymous said...

Oops - i just read that it has nothing to do with rain!!! Ok so maybe it's ant bites or emma spilt nail polish and you stepped in it??!! Oh this is going to drive me crazy now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa said...

Hey Ruth. Thanks!

Yes. I stepped in it! (just not nail polish)

Final clue up now...