Sunday, November 8, 2009

Before returning to Australia I'd like to get something off my chest.

Maybe I’ve been in Asia too long, but I just don’t understand why Australian women insist on flashing their breasts at strangers, and even worse friends!

We had a visitor recently whose t-shirt was so low-cut that every time she leaned forward (intensely interested in the conversation she was having with my husband) we saw more than her interest. I realise that she wasn’t trying to seduce my husband. But what was she doing? Trying to prove that she is still attractive at 40?

To be fair, she may not have realised her fashion “boob” (I must give credit to my thesaurus for that witticism). I too have made the mistake of wearing a top that swept way too low - I was six-months pregnant and the bridesmaid’s dress had fit just fine a month earlier. But when cleavage becomes a central part of our wardrobe, what are we saying to the world? I value your desire or envy more than your friendship?

So, I’d like to cut a deal with my sisters fond of plunging necklines. I’ll keep my fabulous abs tucked away from your husband’s eyes and you keep your marvellous melons for viewing in your own bedroom.

Sour grapes? Yes, indeed. Mere grapes…


rasita said...

not sour at all. Another couple of things to watch out for is short shorts on girls and guys wearing their pants halfway down their bums (so their undies show).
When are you due back?
If you want to run and are near Caboolture, when you get back, I can introduce you to a running club also.

pip said...

Ok Lisa... so if you're joining a running club you will quickly find hot abs make every other chick jealous and anything resembling melons/ plai auluk/ mnoa etc etc are more of an inconvenient truth than an asset ; )

Lisa said...

Thanks Jude. We are back just after Christmas (yes, less than six weeks to go and freaking!). A friend of mine who lives near me is the whole reason I am running so I'll be sticking with her if I can keep up!

And Pip... thanks for the reminder. Blessings and curses.. so much a matter of perspective.

Unknown said...

as a bloke its hard to know what the intention of the woman is - its very common over here - - is it accidental, should i let her know, would that embarrass her - or is she deliberately doing it in order to distract me, tempt me, confuse me, gain an advantage over me? I like to play a game - the more you flash your tits the less I do what you want! - hope that confuses them!

Maaike said...

Actually Leese - I thought your points very well put ... but I found it funny not hateful .. a great way to express something a bit tricky to confront directly but really important for Christian women to be considering ... not to flatter you but as a fact ... I think you're an awesome example of a "real" Godly woman, warts and all! LOVE ya !