Tuesday, August 11, 2009


People watching (also unfairly known as "staring") is a past-time that Steve and I enjoy and have developed in this stare-friendly country. On a date, we are frequently found watching and wondering at the glorious mix of diners around us - making up stories about who they are and why they are there.

Last Thursday, a particular group near us was bothering me. Although the foreigners were outnumbered by the Khmer, my gut-instinct told me they were new to the country. Over the next while, we worked out the cues...

* one wore a CLEAN white shirt
* they spoke English
* the ladies' coloured hair showed no roots
* they looked "fresh"

Yes. They didn't look TIRED. I'm back from three weeks of holiday and I'm still tired. I'm also suffering from "who would ever want to live here" post-holiday blues. I think I'll keep my mouth shut for another couple of weeks until it passes...


Maaike said...

Dearest dear lisalasi ... don't stop! Not even in the why would anyone want to be here moments ... they are often very revealing! Looking forward to wondering that myself with you soon. Anyway - you'll get over it soon enough ... you always do!
hugs and love,

pip said...

I get a bit of post-holiday blues too...And sometimes get insanely jealous of short-term teams who get to come to Poipet, have a good time and then leave!

Alan said...

I think life gets like that from time to time. No matter where we are. bless you guys.

Lisa said...

Thanks for all the encouragement, guys. Still tired but regaining focus. To paraphrase...

"Without a vision, the people wonder why they're putting up with barking dogs at 3.30 in the morning (and the rest)".