Monday, June 22, 2009

Just in case I was getting proud of my newly-developed fitness...

Yesterday, Princess (now 6) commented over lunch “Mummy and Daddy are so different!” Expecting a gem, I asked her how we were different. Pointing to her Dad’s muscular chest, she replied “Dad’s got big breasts”.

Then today, she decided not to eat the two pieces of fruit required before she could have a whole peanut butter cookie. “I’ll just have half because I don’t want to get fat”. I told her that it was unlikely she’ll have a problem with that. “Look at Mum and Dad. Are we fat?” Her reply “Well Mummy, you do have fat legs…”

I’m now waiting for the inevitable third strike that will send me to the dugout to sit on the bench with the rest of the flat-chested, fat-thighed, old and ugly Mummies. Innings over! Time to cheer on the next generation.


rasita said...

Lol. Kids are great aren't they.

Maaike said...

Oh this is a CRACKER! Nothing personal - you gorgeous, big busted, model thin stand out - it was just the best laugh I have had in ages. Keen to print it out and stick it on the fridge!
Love you ...