Sunday, May 10, 2009

I've hit the jackpot

I have come home from my second meeting of Christians for Social Justice jumping with excitement. No, it wasn't the food, the stimulating discussion, the opportunities to act, or the great group of people there.

It is the fact that my bag is weighed down with six books for me to chew through - short stories, political essays, optimistic models for development and justice by Professors of Economics and Nobel Peace Prize winners. They all come photocopied and highly recommended. I feel like I've won the lotto!

See you in a month...


pip said...

may i request you put them on a bus to Poipet when you're done reading?!

Yohanna said...

Hi Lisa, Glad you had a great time! Happy reading!

Lisa said...

Maybe I should scribble all through them for you too...

Maaike said...

Hey Lisa! This is SO exciting - what a fantastic way to use your energy and make a difference in the lives of others ... just up your alley I imagine! So proud of you!
Love your blog,
Love you!