Friday, January 16, 2009

Hint 2

A follow-up on Any Guesses??. Here's the source of the problem.


rasita said...

Ok, so we know you were barefoot, it possibly has something to do with fruit. Those pots look like they have been set up to collect rainwater.
Have you been making some sort of traditional dish (food) the traditional way? And then also been taking advantage of rain fall and catching it to replace possibly not so great piped in water

Lisa said...

Yes. The landlord collects rainwater for washing off our roofs. But no... nothing to do with food. Good try...

Anonymous said...

theres been too much rain, the drains aew blocked and you were lying under the sink trying to unblock it?

Anonymous said...

I'm guessing you've been bitten by dengue carrying mossies which have been breeding in the water?

Lisa said...

No. Tim. Although that will be good to remember when the rains start again.

Yes. Ash it is Dengue season but I don't have it (yet). You've got the closest guess yet.. you've obviously spent time living in Asia.

Final hint up today...