Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Sometimes living in a developing country I wonder about the impact on our children. The things they see every day. The special people they don’t get to see so often. The opportunities they miss out on. Their exposure to various health and safety risks. Living between two worlds in their own “third culture”. An over-abundance of hellos and goodbyes. Their stressed or overtired parents...

Then the other week the Senior Pastor from our home church visited us. As he was leaving he cornered our eldest, 7 year old Velociraptor, and told him how proud he was of him and his siblings and how every day there are people praying for us all. Velociraptor looked at the man like he was a little nuts and replied, “But its fun!”

From this, I gather it is all going ok.


Yohanna said...

A good comment Lisa. Being a TCK myself, I have no regrets of living overseas, and I believe I am better for it!

Anonymous said...

Lisa this has really meant a lot to me as every second person gasps and asks 'and what do the boys think about moving to Cambodia?' It really encouraged my mother spirit. God is so good to us mothers in the most unusual personal ways...

Lisa said...

Thanks so much Yohanna (sorry for replying so slow... I missed your comment!). It really encourages me when I hear such things from actual TCKs. Bless you for the journey you are on and the example you are to my children.

Hey Ruth. It is so true. The journey is so rich that I would now choose it for ourselves over living in Australia full-time. Bless you as you pack up and prepare to leave. Will reply to your email soon!