Monday, November 17, 2008

Generosity in tough times

I’ve noticed a recurring theme in the recent newsletters from “friends on the field”. Many are asking for prayer that their support money will still continue to come in despite the current world financial crisis. This is particularly difficult for overseas workers as the Australia dollar nosedives and buys a lot less.

We too are reliant on the generosity of others to live and work here. However, according to our support reports of the last six months I can only see one supporter who has stopped giving (and I suspect it is because he’s been a bit distracted of late). Instead, I have witnessed some incredible generosity from individuals, groups and churches.

The financial crisis can actually remind us of the words of Jesus recorded in Matt 5:19. “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal”. In that, it makes us all the more determined to give more knowing that the money given away will go to something truly lasting.

Thank you to the faithful. Without you, we wouldn’t be here.

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