Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Money bags

My two eldest have been quite fascinated with money these mid-term holidays (which were survived with a helpful visit from their legendary Grandma known as Mummo).

They want to earn it, count it, hold it, exchange it, spend it, recount it and show anyone around them how much they have.

I have been trying to teach them how to deal with money well and that money isn’t everything… which is a difficult lesson when they see poverty first hand.

Was I successful? The following picture says it all.

What is it? A home-made money purse … sold to Mum for 500 riel (12.5 cents).


Maaike said...

Clever kids! Love the purse! I'll put in an order for two. But it will need to be in colour!
Love you ...and them!

Lisa said...

They're onto it! Just don't expect them to match anything you own!!! Love you!