Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A weighty lesson

48kgs. That would be a lot of chocolate (240 blocks of my favourite Nestle Dark chocolate to be exact). But it doesn’t add up to much when it’s 165cm me.

I stared at the scales dumfounded then gave the lady who owned them a 500 riel note (about 15 cents). She smiled broadly and thanked me – it was 5 times the normal price. It was the least I could do as she looked even skinnier than me.

Three weeks of battling a bout of food poisoning followed by stomach bugs while still breast feeding has left me weary and a shadow of my former self. At least I have lost my post-pregnancy weight (plus 5kgs).

Unfortunately the cost has been more than just physical. Emotionally I am worn out. My temper is short. My complaints are long. My memory is shot. And perhaps worst of all, my heart is hard.

It’s only now I have seemingly beaten the bug (with the help of a good dose of anti-biotics) that I can begin to see the lesson. No, I’m not talking about hygiene in food preparation – although that is important.

I’m talking about the reality that telling people about Jesus is pointless if they are unwell or have a desperate overwhelming need. You need to show them. Live it before you talk about it. Help them. Heal them. And above all, never ever ever EVER judge. Grace is far more powerful than criticism. Love them… but remember that this is mighty hard to do when you are unwell yourself.

So, this morning when I bought a couple of waffles (noum boum) freshly cooked at my neighbours’ road-side stall, I realised my foolhardiness at eating there. Yet, there is something in me that wants to connect, to relate, to understand, to empathise, to learn. And admittedly, I was also curious to know what the waffle tasted like (it had shredded coconut).

Some people never learn.


Anonymous said...

"Little Lisa" is right! Should I ask how the noum boum was? Have you tried eating charcoal tablets (the crunchy ones that leave your mouth black) before each meal?

gretchen said...

hey lisa! found the link for your blog on pip's... i LOVED this entry...being sick recently also, I totally identify with your thoughts...love it! I didn't lose any weight, though! :) Can I add you as a link to my blog?!

Lisa said...

Hey Greyhound Glenn, great to have you online. The waffles were great... coconut milk, shredded coconut, duck eggs, black sesame and I suspect a good handful of sugar. We do sometimes take some acidophilis before going to a wedding etc... a bit nicer than charcoal.. and less obvious. :) Lisa

Lisa said...

Hey Gretchen, I checked out your blog too.. sure link it.. although I'm not as prolific as you! Hope you have had a great reunion with family... and any time you miss Cambodia just run outside and find some dirt to rub over your feet.... and I just remembered that I need to send Pip your photo. Will do that now. Bless you. Lisa