Saturday, January 26, 2008

Play. Third culture kids-style

This morning, I was mending the mosquito nets in the kids room when I overheard this conversation between Doctor (6 year old) and Patient (4 year old).

Doctor: So what is your problem?

Patient: (with a groan) I’ve got AiDS.

Doctor: Oh No. I can’t cure that.

Patient: Then I have Japanese Encephalitis.

Doctor: Oooooh. That is really serious. I’ll have to give you a needle right away.

Patient: (a sharp intake of breath)

Doctor: (as an aside) We’ll have to pretend we’re in Japan.


Maaike said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this one! Ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

So brilliant Lisa, both the conversation and the retelling of it. I've just told it to my children and it has inspired a game of doctors right here. Thanks for sharing it to brighten our day!

Lisa said...

Thanks Maaike. Made me laugh for ages.

Hey Jen. Great to hear from you - Mother of 3. How's it going? Glad we could brighten your day.