Thursday, May 19, 2011

On the road again

I’ve started running again after recovering from some strange food intolerance that meant I couldn’t eat fresh fruit and veggies without being covered with welts but could gorge myself on potato chips (as long as they were plain). After that kind of diet, running is compulsory. (Actually, running with a virus was the cause of this bizarre immune system malfunction).

But I was procrastinating. Without footpaths, it meant I had to join the morning traffic of bicycles, motorbikes, street sellers with carts and the occasional Lexus who makes way for no one. It’s a far cry from running the bushland bike tracks along Bulimba Creek.

My upstairs neighbour was looking to increase her cardio vascular fitness in an effort to better manage hot flushes (can’t wait for that one!) and so we began running three mornings a week. Another never-run-in-her-life friend has joined us, making it three crazy foreigners pounding the pavement / dirt.

Keeping to the back roads avoids the majority of the traffic (but increases the incidence of potholes and plastic rubbish burn offs), we began choosing our route according to the least number of free-range dogs.

But it’s not just dogs who gain entertainment from our efforts. We often get cries of “mouy bpee mouy bpee..” (one two one two..) from the moto drivers waiting for early morning clients. The other week I was stopped dramatically by one standing in front of me with arms waving, asking if I could teach him English. “Ot jeh” (can’t speak it) was my smiling face-saving reply – an obvious lie. “Can’t you see I’m running????” was what I really wanted to say.

The heat is what gets me the most. We’re often sweating before we even start at 6am and my face is bright red for at least an hour afterwards, particularly the days I go out on my own early to add a couple of kms to the run.

I almost quit recently, but my addiction seems to run deep.

Besides, there’s a half marathon being held in Phnom Penh on 18 June for World Environment Day. No, I’m not going to attempt a half in this heat, but the 8km is looking possible…


Judith said...

Congrats for getting back out there and encouraging the others. :)
It is great to hear your stories from over there, and next time you come back to Aus, you should come out running with us (my girlfriends and I).

Audrey said...

Well done Lisa, it's not always easy to restart after a break, but company always helps. I run with Jude and she's great :-)

pip said...

Yay! See you in Phnom Penh for the race. From another runner who knows injury, frustration, hot skies and disappointing blood test results. No worries. June 18.. Bring It!

Lisa said...

Who'd ever have thought that running was so social??!!! It's the only thing that gets me out of bed early sometimes...

See you in June, Pip. However, I really won't be calling it a race.. won't go anywhere near beating the 8km Mothers' Day run I did with Lis last year.