Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wanted - Running Buddy

Relatively new runner seeking female running buddy for motivation and company.

Have run a half marathon in the last year but am currently struggling to do 5kms due to recent illness.

Applicants must have ridiculous sense of humour and not mind the occassional chat (except while racing). Future running goals and GPS functionality a plus.

Previous running buddy refusing to relocate to Phnom Penh. (What's with that?!!)

Positional available from January 2011.


Judith said...

lol, love it. Good luck back overseas. Can't wait to read your updates again

Yohanna said...

sorry,but won't be able to join you in Phnom Penh as a running buddy!
All the best, you are all in my prayers as you head back'home'.

pip said...

Love to but....! A few ideas: Pursat River Run (Oct-Nov 2011), Bangkok half in mid November, Siem Reap (first weekend of Dec) and...wait for it... I'm thinking CCFC Poipet should organise a fun run in Svai Sisophon in December 2011. So... keep training! I got your racing program covered : )

lis said...

I heard your running buddy this year was pretty awesome. Maybe they would locate if you could offer them the right "currency" ;-)

Unknown said...

Hey Lisa, I'm struggling to run 5km too and have no idea what you think of my sense of humour, but, I live in the right place, know a great Khmer gym that's 4000 riel for an hour, and my level of fittness will make you think about signing up for next year's ultra marathon in Mongolia, let alone Pip's race program!!! Cath :o)

Anonymous said...

Love it too. I can't run 5km, so that leaves me out too. cheers, Alan

Lisa said...

Can't believe I didn't realise there were all these comments until now!!!

Hey Lis. You can look after my kids ANYTIME! Is that what you're after??

And Catherine, you are a life saver. Now I just have to get healthy again (not running at the moment... found out why I'm struggling to run) and I'm going to hold you to it.

Pip... I hear there is also a half marathon and 10km in Kampot / Kep next month, and a 10km Valentines Day race in Phnom Penh... you just have to run with your Valentine! Top five couples win a prize and all girls receive a flower. Unfortunately, I'm just not running at the moment (see above).