Friday, February 6, 2009

And the answer is... mossies!

It is mosquito season here in Phnom Penh. Each time the weather cools and the dry season begins they multiply dramatically. Funny enough, we always look forward to the cooler weather forgetting the not-so-enjoyable aspects.

However, I do enjoy swatting the abundance of mossies with my handy zapping racquet. It gives such a satisfying crack (and if they get caught in it you can really make them sizzle!). The day I took the photo (which is why I was lying down) I had been swatting those hiding amongst our laundry for about 20 minutes before noticing them accumulating on the soles of my feet.

Thanks for your good natured guesses and your patience with the clues and answer. I have been busy with visitors and then haven’t been well the past week but I am now back on board. The cool season is even over! More posts coming soon…

1 comment:

Anonymous said... It is a very good thing, mumaw machineries holds pure nearby noticing englishcity