Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Skills

When coming to Cambodia, I always knew that I would need to learn language and culture. But I never counted on the various new skills or re-training I would encounter.

Tying up mosquito nets. Crossing roads. Eating meals without water. Smiling instead of getting angry. Sitting lady-like, even on a motorbike. Yet, squatting most un-lady-likely if there is no seat on-hand.

I am getting better at all these. But somehow I still have not mastered the skill of flushing the toilet with a scoop.

Unlike most skills, I have not had the chance to observe the techniques used by others but I can certainly hear the “one flush and it’s gone” routine. Only after three, four… up to seven scoops can I re-enter the world, satisfied that no-one will be surprised by any gifts left behind.

It’s certainly not through lack of effort or creativity. I have swished and swashed (clockwise and anti-clockwise). I have plunged and bucketed. I’ve used my left and right hand (forehand and backhand). I’ve tried every technique imaginable to simulate the flush of modern cisterns, with no success.

As I write this, my husband tells me that with the squat toilet I need to flush like throwing a bowling ball in the alley. “Just don’t hit the front pin head on”.

Hmm. With renewed hope, I’m off to practice...


Maaike said...

Oh you are so so so funny lisa! You just might be able to run a course on it eventually ... there must be a need out there!
Love love love it!

Lisa said...

You are a woman of great faith... I fear I will never master it. But if I do, I will be sure to include toilet training on the orientation schedule for new comers.

Anonymous said...

Thats so funny. Maybe being from a farm..not so great facilities in the 80's..I had a lot of practise flushing with a bucket...yeah mum taught me where to aim & pour hard ha ha ha!
